Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a non-denominational, Christ-based ministry begun in St. Louis in 1975. Stephen Ministry is now in over 13,000 congregations from more than 190 Christian denominations, in all 50 states in the US, 10 Canadian provinces and 30 other countries. The name comes from the Book of Acts chapter 6, when the apostles chose Stephen to provide a caring ministry for those in need.

Service in Stephen Ministry is provided by lay members of a congregation called Stephen Ministers. Stephen Ministers receive training that is life changing, well planned, and fast moving. After training a Stephen Minister is prepared to become a Care Giver to a Care Receiver. Care Receivers are chosen by the Stephen Leader Referrals Coordinator and Pastor. Confidentiality is paramount and only the Pastor, Referrals Coordinator, and Stephen Minister will know the identity of the Care Receiver. Stephen Minister’s and Care Receiver’s genders will match.

To become a Stephen Minister, you complete an application form and have a friendly interview with a couple of Stephen Leaders. The application and interview are not designed to screen people out but rather to help the applicant see if their gifts and graces fit well with this ministry or should be redirected to a different area of service.

The Vine United Methodist Church has a robust group of church members who are trained Stephen Ministers. You can hear what they have to say in the videos below.

If you are willing to risk having your life enriched, use the contact form to the right and send us an email. We will reach out to you. 

Thank you. May you feel God’s guidance.

Here are some of our Stephen Ministers to tell you a little about the wrok that we do.